Onsite Training

Onsite training process is very popular and useful for organizations, where our qualified trainer or instructor will come to deliver training at a convenient location of your choice. It is a popular training option if a number of your employees have the same training objective and need to be trained in the same technology. This mode of learning offers you more savings and exceptional convenience with the same quality of instruction as delivered by PROICT Training.

Benefits of Onsite Training

  • By having your employees trained at the same time by the same instructor, they will learn the same skills, essentially putting them all on the same page.
  • You can customize the training programs to meet your specific training requirements.
  • Sensitive or proprietary issues can be addressed and used as examples.
  • You have flexibility in location, scheduling, and format to make it most convenient for you and your employees.
  • Employees are trained in an environment that is familiar to them, which can help them better retain the material.
  • Onsite training fosters teamwork as employees from different departments come together to discuss challenges faced by the organization.
  • You can reduce your costs through onsite training.  You do not incur the expensive travel and associated costs like you would if you sent employees off-site to train.
  • The training done on the company’s premises, employees save valuable time, which otherwise would have been lost on commuting from another location to the trainer.